Live-Online Training: N210,000
Classroom Training: N280,000
3 - 4 participants: 5% discount
5 or more participants: 10% discount
(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
Programme Description
The expectations and rules of work are changing. You are not only judged by how smart you are or by your expertise but also by how well you handle yourself, your superiors, colleagues, and subordinates.
This yardstick is used to decide who to hire or not, let go or retain, and who gets passed over or promoted.
In this Working with Emotional Intelligence training, managers will better understand self-awareness and self-management for professional development. This, in turn, will give them better insight and control over their actions, emotions, and, consequently, their performance.
The course will lead them to experience a positive insight into their respective roles and responsibilities, particularly in five distinctive ways:
1. How they set direction and objectives for themselves and their subordinates at work
2. How they translate the directions and objectives into actions
3. How they make appropriate decisions based on rational and logical judgement
4. How much relevant business and market knowledge do they have to support the senior management with solutions for the company, their departments and units to improve performance
5. How much capability do they have to develop and lead the team performance?
Course Contents
Emotional Intelligence
- Beyond Expertise: the hard case for soft skills.
- Constructive Emotions vs Destructive Emotions
- Emotional Self-Evaluation and Assessment
- Emotional intelligence concepts /framework.
- Self-management
- Self-awareness
- Self-regulation
- Self-motivation
- Critical competencies for star employees.
- Intelligence Quotient
- Emotional Quotient.
- Social Quotient.
- Adversity Quotient
- Master Personal Communication: Habits of stars.
- With Supervisor
- With Colleagues
- With subordinate
- With Other Stakeholders
- The Right body language
- The Right Tone/Voice
- The Right Words
- Effective listening skills
- Ability to Handle Difficult Conversations
- Emotional intelligence for performance improvement
Self -Mastery
- The Personality for Motivation
- Identify your personality type and motivating factors
- Identify others’ personality types and motivating factors
- Motivate self for workplace engagement
- Essentials of personal effectiveness at work.
- Defining Personal Effectiveness
- What are you hired to do?
- What skills do you possess?
- Traits of Personal Effectiveness at work
- Pursue best practices
- Provide clear and timely feedback
- Building Tenacity
- Self-Assessment.
- Emotional Management through Assertiveness
- Assertive vs Non-Assertive behaviours
- Becoming an Assertive Worker.
- Taking Responsibility
- Send out the right Signals to subordinates and superiors
- Achieving cohesiveness and team morale
- Strategies for conflicts management
- Decision-making Skills
- Two Systems Approach to Decision Making / Solving Problems
- Avoiding Emotional / Psychological Traps
- Using the six thinking hats
- Steps to practical problem solving
- Attention to the Rules of Work
- Rules Players Vs Non-Rule Players
- Attitude is Everything: - Developing the right attitude.
- Carve a niche for yourself.
- Be well-groomed.
- Beat the lateness factor.
- Walking the talk
- Act one step ahead.
- Be 100% committed.
- Signs A, B, C Grade Employees Demonstratethe
- Exercise on REAR formula
- Self-Assessment- habits to change in the way you work.