Live-Online Training: N 210, 000.00
Classroom Training: N 280,000.00
3 - 4 participants: 5% discount
5 or more participants: 10% discount
(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
Programme Description
This training is to make salespersons psychologically ready, supported by the skills-set, to deliver impeccable customer relationship that results in volume sales and increased bottom line. These they will learn to do by making existing customers happy to do more business with the company, as well as win more customers through effective client conversion process.
The participants will be able to attend to more client demands and, in the process, strengthen relationship equity of the organization they represent with more profitable customers.
The training will also focus on how every employee relates with one another within their organizations regarding their products delivery responsibilities, especially the critical ones like:
- Team spirit/communication for responsiveness to customers
- Focus on priority and time effectiveness
- Personal initiatives and creativity that can lead to deeper market penetration
- Effective management of different customers types
- Relationship management strategies and selling techniques
- Tracking relationship and market results.
Course Contents
Taking a Tour of Mature Selling
- Developing a Depth of Relationship
- Developing a Width of Relationship
- Grasping the Degree of Needs and Wants.
Defining Consultative Selling
- Differentiate Traditional Selling from Consultative Selling
- Why Consultative Selling Works.
Consultative Selling Process
- Collaboration Process in Selling
- Establishing a Reason to Meet
- Probe to gain information from the customer
- Identify a Concern, a Need, or a Problem
- How you can solve the known customer concern.
- The SPIN Model in Consultative Selling
- Situation Analysis
- Problems to Solve
-Implications for the Customer
- The Need/Pay-off Solutions
- The Foundation - Development of Mutual Trust
Communication for Consultative Selling
- Information Seeking
- Information Giving
- Listening
- Building Rapport
- Probing Techniques
-Net Effect
- Skillful Questioning in Consultative Selling Process
-Closed questions
-Open questions
-Leading questions
-Limited choice questions:
-Circumstance questions
-Concern questions
-Consequence questions
- Collaborative questions
-Link questions.
Consolidating the Consultative Selling
- Considering Possible Options
- Exploring Options
-Analyzing Options
- Agreeing on a Solution
-Determining the Decision-Making Criteria and Priorities
-Making a Recommendation
- Overcoming Resistance
What to Sell
- Our company’s rich personality
- Our company’s visibility
- Our company’s uniqueness
- Our company’s reliability
- Our company’s relevance
- Our company’s availability
- Our company’s consistency.
Consultative Sales Process
- Prospect for account
- Get appointments
- Qualify customers
- Identify problems
- Make presentations
- Answer objections
- Close the Sale
- Follow through and deliver
- Seek referrals.
Consultative Selling Relationship with Different Customer Types
- The ‘Tough’ Customer
- The ‘Know It All’ Customer
- The ‘Friendly Extrovert’ Customer
- The ‘Indecisive’ Customer
- The ‘Low Reactor’ Customer
- The ‘Negative’ Customer
- The ‘Argumentative’ Customer
- The ‘Positive’ Customer.
Closing the Sale
- A Pledge to Act
-Get a commitment
-Acknowledging what has been accomplished.