Live-Online Training: N 210, 000.00
Classroom Training: N 280,000.00
3 - 4 participants: 5% discount
5 or more participants: 10% discount
(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
Programme Description
The contents of this course is designed as a practical programme to transform managers into skilled leaders.
As managers today are confronted with increasing pressure to produce more value with fewer resources in our current pressure-packed environment, managers who will succeed regardless will acquire the standards of acknowledged productive leaders, respond quickly and decisively, and get people to work together more effectively through leading them to results the organization needs.
Learning Outcomes
- How to be clear about the work that needs to be done
- How to improve group dynamics to increase productivity
- How to build effective work processes
- How to manage interdepartmental boundaries so that no silos emerged.
Course Contents
From Managing to Leading
- What a Manager does, What a Leader does
- Direct and control role
- Big picture role
- Long view role
- What to do to build leadership capabilities
- Planning
- Mapping processes
- Getting work done through people
- Making decisions
- Appealing to Emotions
- Clear assessment of tasks
- Getting others to respond
- Getting others to follow
Choice between Managing Role and Leading Role
- Nature of task to accomplish
- Assessing the type and degree of support needed
- Level of authority
Manager-Leader Passage Model
- Self-knowledge – most powerful tool
- How much of yourself do you know?
- A focus on the Task
- What work will your group accomplish?
- What is the group dynamics looking like?
- Actions and tools for the work process.
Setting Performance Orientation
- Focus objectives
- Backend targets
- Upfront activities
- Visual report card
- Commitment meeting
Your Tools for Group Interaction
- Benefiting from individual differences
- Recognise and appreciate personality styles
- Help group utilize their individual differences
Dealing with Conflicts
- Conflict resolution steps.
Leadership Communication
- Planned communication- meetings, conferences, presentations
- Casual communication – face-to-face conversation, phone calls, emails.
- Situational Leadership Communication
- Communication that tells/directs
- Communication that sells
- Communication that collaborates
- Communication that delegates
- Communication in situations of crisis
- Intelligent delivery of bad news
- Communication clarity: speaking in specifics, speaking in generalities, speaking in ambiguities.
- Active Listening
- Barriers to active listening
- Improving your listening skills.