Live-Online Training: N250,000.00
Classroom Training: N 350,000.00
3 - 4 participants: 5% discount
5 or more participants: 10% discount
(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
Programme Description
Efficiency Management is what will set off all departments in an establishment to quit activities that steal significant resources and time without contributing to the important goals that grow and enrich the organization. This training is one that will guide the Efficiency Management towards:
- Improved Work Efficiency. Employees would see their roles as the launching pad required to achieve the goals of their individual functions along side other teams’ functions and, thereby, the overall business goals. Everyone would work with integrity, a sense of urgency, process ownership and service orientation to the delight of both internal and external stakeholders.
- Reduced Cost of Operation. The training will expose the types of waste peculiar to the organization and the actions to take to abate same. The outcome is that work processes and deliverables will be realized at a lower cost, time, energy, and stress. All sources of wasteful practices will be identified and isolated for flushing out.
- Enduring Desirable Work Culture. This training will enable employees to take in a new sustainable way of working that will breed individuals who possess enormous energy, team spirit, commitment, determination and readiness to contribute effectively to the overall growth of every department.
Five Key Learning Points
- Concept and Identification of Waste.
- Knowledge-based Process Management.
- Simplified Statistical Process Control (SPC).
- Continuous Improvement principles.
- Effective Workplace Organisation.
Course Contents
Situation Analysis
Why are some businesses consistently outperforming their rivals?
Current Challenges
- What are we trying to achieve?
- What will success look like for us?
- Where are we currently stuck?
- What actions are we considering taking?
- What corporate cultural challenges are there to navigate?
Analysis of the practical problem
- Capacity constraint
- Internal and external stakeholders complaints
- Cycle time or responsiveness
- Defining performance problems in quantifiable terms
Key Drivers of Efficiency in Operations
- Management processes
- Equipment and resources configuration
- Hearts and minds of people
Efficiency Value Chain
- Disciplined people
- Disciplined thinking
- Disciplined actions
Input-Output Efficiency
- Spirit of Discipline
- Value Chain Management
Efficiency Network Mapping.
Efficiency Management Procedures - Financial
Efficiency - the Goal of Operational Excellence
- Understand waste elimination processes
- Create, retain and sustain wealth
Budgets and Performance Tracking
- Tracking and evaluating departmental performances
- Budget tracking systems/surveys
- Recording, auditing and reviewing budget performance
- Monitoring and evaluating of projects
Steps to Efficiency Improvement
- Determine system goals
- Improve quality
- Eliminate waste
- Reduce time
- Reduce total costs
- Monitor the root causes of inefficiency
- Create a flowchart of the work process
- Create measures
- Set standards
- Measure current performance
- Design the Efficiency Solutions
- Implement the new or improved Processes and monitor
Activity Types
- Value added activities
- Non-value added activities.
Efficiency Management Procedures - Operations
Efficiency Capturing Process
- Identify activities that must be eliminated
- Identify activities that must be reduced
- Quality Management and Control of Variations (Six Sigma method)
- Basic statistical process control
- Decision making process
- Problem Solving Tools & Techniques (Fish-bone method)
Where to Look for Efficiency Potential
- Activity processes
- Process design
- Office layout plans
- Working positions and visual conditions
- Activity schedules
- Performance monitoring and control
- Performance evaluation procedures
Efficiency Value Stream
- Identification of activity steps creating value
- Identification of unavoidable activity steps creating no value
- Isolation of avoidable activity steps creating no value
Elimination of Wastes
- Waste of materials
- Waste of space
- Waste of time
- Waste of movement.
Efficiency Management Checklist
- Activities to combine
- Activities to eliminate
- Processes to simplify
Use of Critical Path methods
Alignment of Skills Set with Strategic Desires.
Efficiency Management Progress Reporting
Seven Specific Touch Points of Presenting Your Report
- Information poorly presented have the tendency to misinform
- First Things First
- Gathering relevant data and Logical Arrangement of facts
- What it is that when you write others simply read on
- What is in it for the reader - The Hot Button
- The thorough preparation
- Feature and Benefits description.
Packaging Your Report
- Data analysis
- Applications of Excel format
- Graphic presentations.
Presenting the Report through Excel Analysis
Presenting the Report Using Bar Chart
Presenting the Report Using Pie Chart
Presenting the Report Using Line Chart
Presenting the Report Using Frequency Polygon
Presenting the Report Using Scatter Diagram.
Implementing the Efficiency Management Programme
How to Achieve Superior Performance
- Disciplined choices of what to do
- Disciplined choices of what not to do
- Performance Efficiency continuous auditing
Design Efficiency Strategy Canvas for Each Department
- Focus and refocus
- Efficiency value proposition
- Cardinal activities
- Critical resources
- Key partners
- Cost structure
Set Efficiency Expectations Per Job Function
- Contributions/output
- Productivity
- Timeliness/responsiveness
- Quality of output
- Volume of output
Agree New Value Innovation while Decreasing Costs
- The Four-Action Framework method
- Define expectations of performance
- Define timing
- Define Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
- Define efforts required to obtain improvement
- Automate tasks where possible
Design how to work well as a Team.